Department of Hindi

Department of Hindi is on going from foundation of college since 2009 . Department have running a Specialization subject for B.A. course from 2010. Hindi department have a following courses for Arts and Commerce. Hindi Department have a more than 200 student every year. Department have already running many more function and activity for students.
First Year Bachelor of Arts (General level compulsory)
First years Bachelor of Commerce (General level elective)
Second Year Bachelor of Arts (General Level and Special Level Elective)
Third Year Bachelor of Arts ( General and Special Level )
- Hindi department is organize a Hindi Pakhawada Every Year.
- Students of Department is Participant in Essay Writing, Story telling.
- Hindi department student is writing there essay and poems in college annual magazine Kshitij.
- Department organize a gest lecture on Hindi Subject for student career opportunity and various courses.
- Student are also participate in annual VangmayMandalprogram. witch help them to upgrade themself in literature
- Hindi department student are also participate in various inter college speech compaction.
Future Plan
- Start a translation diploma course.
- Street plays shows for public awareness.
- Start a annual Handwritten magazine named UDAAN for Student
- Films (based on literature) screening and discussion
- Meets with writers.

Asst.Prof S.B.Dahatonde(H.O.D)
M.A.Hindi ,M.A.Edu, B.Ed, NET,SET Ph.D. App SPPU.

M.A.Hindi, M.Phil. SET, Ph.D. App BAMU